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Uploading Item Image Using Square Connect Api

I've reviewed the examples posted in the Square Connect API documentation and the examples on GitHub, however, I can't seem to adapt these examples to the guidance on uploading ima

Solution 1:

Thanks for pointing out this gap in the documentation. The function below uses the Requests Python library to upload an image for an item (this library makes multipart/form-data requests significantly simpler). Note that you'll need to install Requests first if you haven't.

import requests

defupload_item_image(item_id, image_path, access_token):

  endpoint_path = '' + your location + '/items/' + item_id + '/image'# Don't include a Content-Type header, because the Requests library adds its own
  upload_request_headers = {'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + access_token,
                            'Accept': 'application/json'}

  # Be sure to set the correct MIME type for the image
  files = [('image_data', (image_path, open(image_path, 'rb'), "image/jpeg"))] 
  response =, files=files, headers=upload_request_headers)

  # Print the response bodyprint response.text
  • item_id is the ID of the item you're uploading an image for.
  • image_path is the relative path to the image you're uploading.
  • access_token is the access token for the merchant you're acting on behalf of.

It isn't possible to upload images for multiple items in a single request to this endpoint. Instead, send a separate request for each item.

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