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How To Send Javascript And Cookies Enabled In Scrapy?

I am scraping a website using Scrapy which require cooking and java-script to be enabled. I don't think I will have to actually process javascript. All I need is to pretend as if j

Solution 1:

You should try Splash JS engine with scrapyjs. Here is a example of how to set it up in your spider project:

    'scrapyjs.SplashMiddleware': 725,

Scraping hub which is the same company behind Scrapy, has special instances to run your spiders with splash enabled.

Then yield SplashRequest instead of Request in your spider like this:

import scrapy
from scrapy_splash import SplashRequest

    start_urls = ["", ""]

        for url in self.start_urls:
            yield SplashRequest(url, self.parse,
                args={'wait': 0.5},

    defparse(self, response):
        # response.body is a result of render.html call; it# contains HTML processed by a browser.# …

Solution 2:

AFAIK, there is no a universal solution. You have to debug the site, to see how it determines that Javascript is not supported/enabled by your client.

I don't think the server looks at X-JAVASCRIPT-ENABLED header. Maybe there is a cookie set by Javascript when the page loads in a real javascript enabled browser? Maybe the server looks at user-agent header?

See also this response.

Solution 3:

Scrapy doesn't support java script.


you can use some other library with Scrapy for executing JS , like Webkit, Selenium etc,

and you don't needs to enable cookies (COOKIES_ENABLED = True), not even required to add DOWNLOADER_MIDDLEWARES in your because they are already available in default scrapy settings

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