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Iterating Across Multiple Columns In Pandas Df And Slicing Dynamically

TLDR: How to iterate across all options of multiple columns in a pandas dataframe without specifying the columns or their values explicitly? Long Version: I have a pandas dataframe

Solution 1:

You can use itertools.product to generate all possible dosage combinations, and DataFrame.query to do the selection:

from itertools import product

for dosage_comb in product(*dict_of_dose_ranges.values()):
    dosage_items = zip(dict_of_dose_ranges.keys(), dosage_comb)
    query_str = ' & '.join('{} == {}'.format(*x) for x in dosage_items)
    sub_df = dosage_df.query(query_str)

    # Do Stuff...

Solution 2:

What about using the underlying numpy array and some boolean logic to build an array containing only the lines you want ?

dosage_df = pd.DataFrame((np.random.rand(40000,10)*100).astype(

#combined_doses will be bool array that will select all the lines that match the wanted combinations of doses

for item in dict_of_dose_ranges.items():
    #item[0] is the kind of dose#item[1] are the values of that kind of dose


    #we then iterate over the wanted valuesfor value in item[1]:
        # we select and "logical or" all lines matching the values
        next_dose|=(dosage_df[item[0]] == value)
    # we "logical and" all the kinds of dose


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