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Why In Python Map() And Got Different Answers?

I had a strange problem. I have a file of the format: START 1 2 STOP lllllllll START 3 5 6 STOP and I want to read the lines between START and STOP as blocks, and use my_f to proc

Solution 1:

How about:

import itertools

defgrouper(n, iterable, fillvalue=None):
    # Source:"grouper(3, 'ABCDEFG', 'x') --> ABC DEF Gxx"return itertools.izip_longest(*[iter(iterable)]*n,fillvalue=fillvalue)

    withopen(file) as lines:
        for line in lines:
            if line == 'START': 
                block=list(itertools.takewhile(lambda x:x!='STOP',lines))
                yield block

for chunk in grouper(100,blocks,fillvalue=''):,chunk)

Using grouper will limit the amount of the file consumed by Thus the whole file need not be read into memory (fed into the task queue) at once.

I claim above that when you call,iterator), the entire iterator is consumed immediatedly to fill a task queue. The pool workers then get tasks from the queue and work on the jobs concurrently.

If you look inside and trace through the definitions, you will see the _handle_tasks thread gets items from self._taskqueue, and enumerates that at once:

         for i, task in enumerate(taskseq):

The conclusion is, the iterator passed to gets consumed at once. There is no waiting for the one task to end before the next task is gotten from the queue.

As further corroboration, if you run this:

demonstration code:

import multiprocessing as mp
import time
import logging

    return x*x

    for x inrange(1000):
        if x%100==0:
  'Got here')
        yield x

print, blocks()) 

You will see the Got here message printed 10 times almost immediately, and then a long pause due to the time.sleep(1) call in foo. This manifestly shows the iterator is fully consumed long before the pool processes gets around to finishing the tasks.

Solution 2:

Basically, when you iterate over a file like you are, each time you read a new line from the file you move the file pointer ahead one line.

So, when you do

block=itertools.takewhile(lambda x:x!='STOP',lines) 

every time the iterator returned by takewhile gets a new item from lines, it moves the file pointer.

It's generally bad to advance an iterator you're already looping over in the for loop. However, the for loop is suspended temporarily on every yield, and map exhausts the takewhile before continuing the for loop, so you get the desired behavior.

When you have the for loop and the takewhiles running at the same time, the file pointer rapidly gets moved to the end, and you get an error.

Try this instead, it should be faster than wrapping the takewhile in a list:

from contextlib import closing
from itertools import repeat

    withopen(filename) as infile:
        for pos in (infile.tell() for line in infile if line == 'START'):
            yield pos

defmy_f_wrapper(pos, filename):
    withopen(filename) as infile:
        block=itertools.takewhile(lambda x:x!='STOP', infile)

blocks = block_generator(filename)
p.imap(my_f_wrapper, blocks, repeat(filename))

Basically, you want each my_f to be operating independently on the file, so you need to open the file independently for each one.

I can't think of a way that doesn't require the file to be iterated over twice, once by the for loop and once by the takewhiles all put together, while still processing the file in parallel. In your original version, the takewhiles advanced the file pointer for the for loop, so it was very efficient.

If you weren't iterating over lines, but just bytes, I'd recommend using mmap for this, but it would make things a lot more complicated if you're working with lines of text.

Edit: An alternative would be to have block_generator go through the file and find all the positions of START and STOP, then feed them in pairs to the wrapper. That way, the wrapper wouldn't have to compare the lines to STOP, it would just have to use tell() on the file to make sure it wasn't at STOP. I'm not sure whether or not this would be faster.

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