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Distribution Mean And Standard Deviation Using Scipy.stats

I was trying to get the mean and standard deviation for log-normal distribution, where mu=0.4104857306 and sigma=3.4070874277012617, and I am expecting mean=500 and std=600. I am u

Solution 1:

The scipy.stats.lognorm lognormal distribution is parameterised in a slightly unusual way, in order to be consistent with the other continuous distributions. The first argument is the shape parameter, which is your sigma. That's followed by the loc and scale arguments, which allow shifting and scaling of the distribution. Here you want loc=0.0 and scale=exp(mu). So to compute the mean, you want to do something like:

>>>import numpy as np>>>from scipy.stats import lognorm>>>mu = 0.4104857306>>>sigma = 3.4070874277012617>>>lognorm.mean(sigma, 0.0, np.exp(mu))

Or more clearly: pass the scale parameter by name, and leave the loc parameter at its default of 0.0:

>>>lognorm.mean(sigma, scale=np.exp(mu))

As @coldspeed says in his comment, your expected value for the standard deviation doesn't look right. I get:

>>> lognorm.std(sigma, scale=np.exp(mu))

and I get the same value calculating by hand.

To double check that these parameter choices are indeed giving the expected lognormal, I created a sample of a million deviates and looked at the mean and standard deviation of the log of that sample. As expected, those give me back values that look roughly like your original mu and sigma:

>>>samples = lognorm.rvs(sigma, scale=np.exp(mu), size=10**6)>>>np.log(samples).mean()  # should be close to mu
>>>np.log(samples).std(ddof=1)  # should be close to sigma

In response to the edit: you've got the formula for the variance of a lognormal slightly wrong - you need to replace the exp(sigma**2 - 1) term with (exp(sigma**2) - 1). If you do that, and rerun the fsolve computation, you get:

sigma = 0.9444564779275075mu = 5.768609079062494

And with those values, you should get the expected mean and standard deviation:

>>>from scipy.stats import lognorm>>>import numpy as np>>>sigma = 0.9444564779275075>>>mu = 5.768609079062494>>>lognorm.mean(sigma, scale=np.exp(mu))
>>>lognorm.std(sigma, scale=np.exp(mu))

Rather than using fsolve, you could also solve analytically for sigma and mu, given the desired mean and standard deviation. This gives you more accurate results, more quickly:

>>>mean = 500.0>>>var = 600.0**2>>>sigma = np.sqrt(np.log1p(var/mean**2))>>>mu = np.log(mean) - 0.5*sigma*sigma>>>mu, sigma
(5.768609078769636, 0.9444564782482624)
>>>lognorm.mean(sigma, scale=np.exp(mu))
>>>lognorm.std(sigma, scale=np.exp(mu))

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