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Invert Tuples In A List Of Tuples

I have an array [(126,150),(124,154),(123,145),(123,149)](just a sample of the numbers, the array is too large to show all of them) which I have then used imshow to plot the result

Solution 1:

>>>arr = [(126,150),(124,154),(123,145),(123,149)]>>>reverseArr = [x[::-1] for x in arr]>>>reverseArr
[(150, 126), (154, 124), (145, 123), (149, 123)]

Solution 2:

If you don't mind iterators:

a = [(126,150),(124,154),(123,145),(123,149)]

inverse = map(reversed, a)

Or here are a few options if you want tuples:

inverse = map(tuple, map(reversed, a))

inverse = map(lambda x: (x[1], x[0]), a)

inverse = zip(*reversed(zip(*a)))

From a couple of quick tests I found that list comprehensions are the most efficient method for short lists and the zip method is most efficient for longer lists.

Solution 3:

array = [(126,150),(124,154),(123,145),(123,149)]
inversed = [(item[1],item[0]) for item in array]

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